Co je gto coin
It has a circulating supply of 274,214,282 LTO coins and a max. supply of 403,393,276 LTO coins.The top exchanges for trading in LTO Network are currently Binance, Uniswap (V2), Omgfin, BitMax, and Bilaxy. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.
Dash $318.80. DASH +51.89% views. Band Protocol $17.80. BAND +22.37% views. Ren $1.59. REN +21.12% views.
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Co je Konto. Konto je: Účet, vedený ve formě osobní nebo věcné. Osobní účty zahrnují stav pohledávky vůči obchodnímu partnerovi peněžního ústavu. Věcné účty zachycují stav a pohyb různých druhů stálých a oběžných aktiv. Zdroj: Ing.
Currently, Gifto (GTO) is trading at $0.0230 with GTO price 9.30445175% down today. The market cap of Gifto is USD 17,684,218 with 770,236,879 gto circulating currently. The 24-hour price movement chart indicates that $20,078,147 worth of GTO were trading. The GTO to USD conversion rate today is 1 Gifto to 0.024823 US Dollar.
There are currently 13 Gifto exchanges where you can buy, sell and trade Gifto (GTO) with a total 24-hour volume of $ 22.57M. Gifto can be exchanged with 10 cryptocurrencies. You can also buy Gifto with Tether, True USD, USD Coin and 2 more stablecoins. The best Gifto exchange for trading is Binance.
Binance coins mohou jejich držitelé využít k úhradě poplatků spojených s výměnou digitální tokenů a fiat aktiv. Předností BNB je verifikace až 1,4 milionu transakcí za sekundu a možnost nižších transakčních poplatků (při využití Binance coins lze dosáhnout až 50% slevy). Co je to FTP klient a jak jej použít? FTP (File transport protocol) - Protokol používaný pro přenos souborů vaší prezentace na diskový prostor u poskytovatele hostingových služeb, ze kterého budou vaše stránky prezentovány.
The GTO price is up 4.42% in the last 24 hours. The Gifto price prediction sentiment is currently bullish. Gifto reached its highest price on January 12, 2018, when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 1.05. It has a circulating supply of 770.24M GTO. The best exchange for trading Gifto is Binance. Description Gifto is a cryptocurrency that is identified by the symbol GTO. Buying Gifto (GTO) for funds from your bank requires a 2-step process. You're going to buy some BTC or ETH from an exchange that accepts deposits from a debit card or bank account, and then you're going to transfer your newly bought crypto to a marketplace that sells GTO in exchange for bitcoin or Ether.
Loom Network $0.15. LOOM +57.86% views. Dash $318.80. DASH +51.89% views. Band Protocol $17.80. BAND +22.37% views. Ren $1.59.
Bitcoin je vysoce nestálá digitální měna, jejíž cena může během dne výrazně kolísat. Binance Coin, Cardano, Dash, EOS, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, IOTA, Litecoin, Neo, Stellar, Tezos, Tron, XRP a Zcash jsou nyní k dispozici jako skutečná aktiva. USD Coin (USDC) is a stablecoin fully backed by the US dollar and developed by the CENTRE consortium. Coinbase customers with US dollar accounts may exchange 1 USDC for US$1.00 (and vice versa) on Coinbase in jurisdictions where USDC support is available. 1.
View all This content and any … Gifto Statistics. Gifto price today is $0.03751850 USD, which is down by -3% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly rise by 0.11% . Gifto’s market cap currently sits at $28,898,100.00 USD, holding up for a market cap rank at #388. There are currently 13 Gifto exchanges where you can buy, sell and trade Gifto (GTO) with a total 24-hour volume of $ 22.57M. Gifto can be exchanged with 10 cryptocurrencies. You can also buy Gifto with Tether, True USD, USD Coin and 2 more stablecoins.
Gifto as a network protocol, is a brainchild of Andy Tian, the co-founder and CEO of Asia Innovations Group (AIG).
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OKEx is the current most active market trading it. Gifto as a network protocol, is a brainchild of Andy Tian, the co-founder and CEO of Asia Innovations Group (AIG). It has a circulating supply of 770,236,879 GTO coins and the max.